what i love the most

what i love the most

There have been many times where I have gotten caught up in the things I dislike the most. Everything was negative, but that’s not how I want to live. Recently, I’ve been trying to focus more on the bright side, and be a glass half-full kinda gal. In turn, here’s a list of the top 5 things I love the absolute most. Enjoy : ) .

  1. My Family is the most important thing in my life. My parents, pictured above, are my best friends and my biggest supporters. Although I may not always show it, I appreciate them greatly :’) . I have a younger brother, Vikram, an almost ten year old, who is crazy smart. This math-loving kid can do calculus! I am proud to be his big sister as he inspires me with his love for knowledge.
  2. My Friends are amazing. It’s good to know that I have a group of people that will always be there for me. When it comes to friends, always remember – quality over quantity!!!
  3. Education is something that we all seem to take for granted. Reading I am Malala by Malala Yousafzai really opened my eyes as to how lucky we are to have a source of knowledge : school. Trust me, I know that school can be stressful, but it’s well worth it.
  4. Dance is my sport, my source of stress-relief, my therapy, my art, my everything. I love being able to forget everything going on and put all my energy into my movement. It doesn’t matter if someone is amazingly talented, as long as they love what they do, and I sure love dancing.
  5. America is a country built on immigrants, a diverse place, and I love it for that. The 2016 election was an especially hard time for me because I had not known that so much hatred persisted in America. People all around me were saying horrid things about other people, and it broke my heart. We must remember that we are all human and that no one person deserves to be here more than another. Diversity makes America great. : )

Remember…spread LOVE !!

XOXO Maya ♥