freshman year experience

freshman year experience

Summer is soon coming to an end, and I will soon be a sophomore in high school. The one word that comes to mind when thinking about this past year is NEW. Everything is new. Freshman year isn’t especially difficult, but the newness of everything can make it tough and crazy.

Going from 8th grade to 9th grade was quite the change. I went from knowing most everyone in my grade to having tons of unfamiliar faces all around me. But, meeting new people is one of the best parts of freshman year. I remember walking into all of my classes feeling as if I was bound to be miserable because I didn’t know anyone. Little did I know, I was going to meet tons of new people to make each class enjoyable.

I know that a lot of people have the fear of losing friends as they get to freshman year, but in my experience, I only lost friends who I didn’t really click with anyways. Ninth grade was the year I finally learned to rid the toxic people from my life, and believe me, it feels great. In middle school, everyone kind of stuck to their certain cliques, but this year was amazing because I was friends with people from all around.

The most shocking change to me, personally, was the academics. I was used to getting 100s on tests with minimal studying, but that did not cut it this year. I took the first AP human geography test with the minimal studying approach, and it did not go so well. Freshman year taught me to work much harder in order to achieve my goals.

Overall, freshman year was a crazy year that gave me the work ethic that I will keep with me. Although it’s awfully stressful, I honestly love school for the both the social and learning aspects of it.

Here are some of my favorite moments/accomplishments throughout freshman year :’) .

  • first football game
  • local carnival
  • hoco
  • 15th birthday
  • diwali parties
  • troye sivan (loml) concert
  • mexico
  • LA dance magic
  • DI regional tournament
  • holi
  • drill team tryouts
  • DI state tournament
  • 2017-2018 class elections
  • first AP exam !!
  • drill team spring social
  • DI global finals
  • recital

Remember…spread LOVE !!

XOXO Maya ♥