adiós 2017 + new year’s resolutions

adiós 2017 + new year’s resolutions

Oh boy. 2017. What a year. 2017 was the year of many ups and downs, along with so much growth and learning.

It was the year I truly became passionate about many societal issues and educated myself on them. It was when I realized how lucky I am to get education and tried (key word is tried) to make school more fun by focusing on the importance and beauty of knowledge. I joined the best team ever and met some of my bffs through our shared love for dance. I turned 16 and became legally permitted to drive to bahama bucks every week (oops). I kinda ish maybe possible figured out what I may want to do with my life. I participated in Dressember for the first time, wearing a dress every day of the month to raise awareness and money for the fight against human trafficking.

Although many parts of who I am have been refined this past year, there is much more I wish to improve on. Here are 10 of my personal goals for 2018 :-).

1) I would like to stress less. It’s crazy that I stress so much considering I’m only in my sophomore year of high school, but I know that the issue is partly me. I need to take a step back this year and realize that everything will be okay.

2) I should probably stop overthinking while I’m at it. Overthinking takes up so much extra energy and is so unnecessary to my life. Yikes.

3) I want to read more books in 2018. I love reading, but during the school year it seems that school takes up all my time and I don’t have time to read. This year, I’d like to read a lot more in the summer, rather than just chilling on social media or netflix all day.

4) It’d be nice if I could get more sleep. I’m the type of person in which there is an obvious difference in my performance if I am deprived of my wonderful beauty sleep. 8 hours per night is ideal, but with school and dance and everything going on that’s definitely hard to get. This year, I hope to use my time more efficiently throughout the day so I can get a good night’s sleep each night.

5) It’s probably best for me to drink more water. So let’s just say I haven’t exactly been following that eight eight ounce glasses of water per day thing…like at all. Hydrate or diedrate am I right ???

6) I want to eat healthier because, well, who doesn’t? I crave junk all the time and I really need to stop giving in to the cravings.

7) In dance, I’d really like to work on my turns because oh boy do they suck right now. I’ve never been a turner, but being able to turn better will reduce so much stress when performing and when learning new choreo.

8) I want to smile more. I feel like a single smile can make someone’s day, so I’m going to try to smile more often and at more people. Smiling is also a form of self therapy–its proven that just the physical act of smiling is enough to make you feel better emotionally and mentally (psychology is cool).

9) I’d like to possibly get a cool summer student internship at a nonprofit or another organization. This will allow me to experience the working world while I also explore my passions and interests. I think this would be a great opportunity for me this year.

10) Last but not least (or maybe least idk), I want to improve my SAT score. I absolutely hate sitting in a room for four hours trying to concentrate, but I know that it is important for college and whatnot. My (practice) score is not looking too hot right now, so let’s hope 2018 is on my side when I’m testing.

I know, at least for me, 2017 was pretty tough with all the changes in America and just everything going on around me. Considering this, it’s important that we leave the negative behind as we go into this new year and focus on what’s to come. I hope this year is just as good as we’re all hoping. Happy 2018 !!!

Remember….spread LOVE !!!

XOXO Maya ♥